Mathematics Education, Mathematics and Music, Educational SoftwareAbstract
There are various ways to make school mathematics more appealing to students. With this in mind, the authors of this work sought ways to connect art and mathematics, leading us to music, an artistic medium widely used around the world. Thus, the main goal of this work is to present ways to connect music and mathematics presenting real numbers in a playful and enjoyable way using tools, as well as to introduce musical theory, also relying on theoretical frameworks to support the research. However, finding ways to relate mathematics and music without making it monotonous is not an easy task, which led us to use the MusiCALcolorida software, a multisensory calculator that utilizes colors and sounds to teach real numbers. This software, developed with inclusion goals in mind, was used in workshops applied in two stages: first, with undergraduate mathematics students, and later, with middle school students, as described in the experience reports. We concluded that, with the help of the software, it is possible to unite mathematics and music in a playful way. However, it is essential to enhance its suitability for broader audiences and find ways to address some challenges encountered during its use.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Davi Franco Tavares, Eulina Coutinho Silva do Nascimento, Caio Gabriel Moreira Correa da Silva, Sara Silva dos Santos
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